Sunday, 22 August 2010

Instant Blog Subscribers - Review

Instant Blog Subscribers - Review

I've been putting this off for a while. You know, I really don't like poo-pooing everything I come across, but here we go again. I'm not awfully keen on Instant Blog Subscribers.

I'll keep it short though. (Bear in mind that this is a system used to advertise in traffic exchanges. I have a couple of pages on one of my other blogs (AcmeWeblog) all about these and how people - including me - are making money with them.)

Yet another blog to keep updated and masses of emails coming through to my mailbox every day.

To be honest, I imagined it would be a place where I could promote my existing blogs. Sadly no. Even as a free subscriber, you have to set up one of their templates. Do we all have time to do this - to keep it fresh?

Then there are the emails which you need to click through to give you more showings of your own IBS blog. Now, if I'm just clicking to get my points, I'm not reading them all as I go. So, what are the chances of my own blog being seen?

Is it a way to get a beginner blogging? Not really. Better to pop over to one of my other blogs where I explain how to get started with blogging: HERE

But if you would like to see for yourself, here's the link: Go To IBS

and you might like to take a look at those other blog exchanges I mentioned:
