Monday, 1 April 2013

How Fast Will My Online Business Grow?

I have just come across someone else's blog post which I think summarises one's expectations pretty well. It's from Brian Rooney (TrafficWave and TOAN) and here is the link to it:

The Role Of Patience In Network Marketing

I think the phrase 'Network Marketing' can be applied to most of the programmes which I am a part of - after all, although I don't go out meeting people, and I really don't waste my valuable time on social sites - I am advertising in various ways to get people to at least come over and take a look at what I am offering. I share some things with my online friends who I may meet in various traffic exchanges or share an email with from time to time.

But I'm not going to digress - pop over and read Brian's blogpost. It's very, very good.

The Role Of Patience In Network Marketing
